Some Old and Some Recent Events
- An
interview (in German) with WDR online
about the time when The Wall came down and how this was like
for us East Germans (showing some really old pictures of my wife and me).
- An
interview (in German) with Rheinische Post (August, 2014)
and an
interview (in German) with HHU's Intern Magazin (no. 3, 2010)
about my children's books "Lilandra. Vier Märchen"
(Lunardi Verlag, 2005; second edition, 2006)
and "Lilandra II. Vier Geschichten für Paula und Ella"
(print version: BoD, 2015; kindle edition: 2012):
Prof. Dr. Edith Hemaspaandra has won the prestigious
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
of the Humboldt Foundation in 2007.
Prof. Dr. Lane A. Hemaspaandra has won the prestigious
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
of the Humboldt Foundation in 2006. Here is an
(in German) with him and me about our
research on "Complexity and Elections,"
and here is a
of him receiving the award from
Humboldt Foundation president, Dr. Wolfgang Fruehwald, in June 2007.
Prof. Dr. Alan L. Selman, one of the founders of
the field of computational complexity, received the prestigious
Humboldt Research Award
in 2006. Here is a
- "Wechsung in Jena".
Contributions (in German) to the Festschrift for the 65th
birthday of Gerd Wechsung:
- I was invited by the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
to participate in the
8th German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium (GAFoS)
at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in Irvine,
California, USA, in June, 2002.
- I was invited to be a lecturer of the
11th Jyväskylä Summer School
at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, in August, 2001.
Course MC 5: "Some Facets of Complexity Theory and
Lecture Notes appeared in revised form in the
ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 504-549, December 2002.
(2.8 MB).