Registration Form

COMSOC-2010 is now over. This registration form will not work any longer.

Please enter your name and affiliation as you would like them to appear on your conference name badge.
Type: Standard (€75) Student (€30)
Social Dinner: Yes (€30) No   (15.09.2010 more information)
Workshop participation on the following days:
13.09.2010 14.09.2010 15.09.2010 16.09.2010
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
(Tutorial Day)
Comments (e.g. special dietary requirements, late arrivals, accompanying person for the social dinner):

The registration fee should be paid by bank transfer within one week after registration to the following bank account:

IBAN: DE79300500000001610211
Reference: 09020010 for COMSOC-2010 and your name
Financial institution: WestLB AG Düsseldorf
Account holder: Universität Düsseldorf
Address: Herzogstraße 15, 40217 Düsseldorf
VAT number of Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: DE 811222416
Participants from Germany may use the following bank account numbers:
Kontonummer: 1610211
BLZ: 30050000
If your bank would charge you exorbitantly high transfer fees, we'd be willing to accept a payment in cash upon arrival in Düsseldorf. However, this should apply only to exceptional cases. If you need to make use of such an exception, please let us know by email to